Transferring money by mobile phone is a popular and easy way of payment in Tanzania. To raise the much-needed tax revenues, the government imposed a new levy system on mobile money transactions, which came into effect on 15 July. This led to protests among the Tanzanian public. According to mobile phone operators, millions of customers, especially in rural areas, had already stopped their mobile money transactions because of the increased costs. At the end of August, the government announced that it will finally reduce the levy by 30%.
The taxation also affects mobile money transactions from Germany to Tanzania, e.g. to family members or in the context of partnerships.
In our NetTalk on 13 October, we will take up the topic and discuss the background and consequences of the taxation with a government representative, a mobile money agent and an NGO representative.
- Benny Mwaipaja. Head of Government Communications at Ministry of Finance Tanzania.
- Mobile Money Agent
- Representative of an NGO
There will be a translation available from Swahili to German language.
The NetTalk will take place online via Zoom. Everyone interested is welcome. Please register via this link