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Colony "Deutsch-Ostafrika"

Reichskolonialflagge (Von David Liuzzo, Attribution,

From the 1880s, private expeditions such as those of the "Gesellschaft für deutsche Kolonisation" (with Carl Peters) began to "acquire" land in East Africa. After the resistance of the East African coastal population (often still titled "Arab Revolt" in Germany) in 1888, the German Empire intervened and sent military support in the form of the "Imperial Protection Force for East Africa / kaiserliche Schutztruppe für Ostafrika" which violently put down the resistance. As a result, "German East Africa / Deutsch-Ostafrika" was formally established in 1891 and remained a German colony until 1918, when the German Empire had to cede all its colonies after losing the First World War. The colonial rulers were concerned with economic profit, which they sought to achieve through exploitation of the land and people (especially in cotton, sisal, cocoa, coffee and rubber cultivation). The Germans built up an infrastructure (post office, newspapers, roads, bridges and railroads), which, however, mainly served to satisfy the needs of the colonialists. Last but not least, the establishment of a German administration and the civilizing mission were important features of colonization. The plan included literacy, academic education and the establishment of Western medical care, but often with the economic purpose of maintaining the labor force. Prevailing social and cultural customs and previous political orders were disregarded and violently suppressed. 

Because of this excessive violence, illegitimate land grabs, exploitative policies, and interference in established sociocultural social systems, there was repeated resistance on the part of the natives. Struggles, uprisings, and guerrilla warfare challenged colonial rule. Some 50 to 60 armed clashes can be assumed. One of the most famous acts of resistance is the Maji-Maji War.

Image source: By David Liuzzo, Attribution, Link

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